We Can Help Save Your Beautiful Ash Trees From This Invasive Pest
As you’re probably well aware, it takes a long time for a tree to grow from a vulnerable sapling to majestic and beautiful maturity. We all know how sad it is to lose a tree in any stage of its growth, so our team at Blue River Forestry & Tree Care is here to stop that from happening, whenever we are able. One of the top items on our to-do list is to provide emerald ash borer management to as many ash trees in Lafayette, Colorado as possible.
What is an Emerald Ash Borer?
The emerald ash borer is a species of beetle that’s native to Asia. It was first discovered in the United States near Detroit, Michigan in 2002, and has since spread throughout the country. It has no natural predators, and its rapid spread continues to endanger tens of millions of Ash trees across the continent.
The small beetles are emerald green in color. Adults feed on the leaves of ash trees, but they don’t usually do enough damage to cause long-term harm to the tree. Their larvae, however, are a different story. Emerald ash borer larvae burrow into the vascular tissue of the tree, which disrupts the plant’s ability to transport water and food. If the infestation is allowed to grow unchecked, this eventually leads to the death of the tree.
How Can I Tell If My Tree Is Infested?
The good (and bad) news is that emerald ash borers only infest ash trees. Other species, such as pine, aspen, cottonwoods, etc. are not affected by this invasive pest. However, if you’re the proud owner of an ash tree or two, here are some things you can look for to see if your tree is infested:
- Canopy thinning - Since emerald ash borers disrupt the flow of food and water, the top of the tree is deprived of nutrients and starts to wither first.
- Suckering - This is when stressed ash trees often may grow new shoots along the trunk near the base and off limbs
- Woodpecker Damage - Woodpeckers love to eat emerald ash borer larvae, so extensive woodpecker damage may indicate an infestation.
- D-Shaped Holes in Bark - When larvae finally mature and emerge as adults, they leave small D-shaped exit holes behind them.
- Extensive Tunnels Beneath Bark - Larvae leave winding tunnels, called galleries, in their wake. The tree often responds by creating callus tissue to try to protect itself from further damage. This causes the bark to split vertically, revealing the tunnels underneath.
While canopy thinning, suckering, and woodpecker damage can all be signs of an emerald ash borer infestation, this can also be caused by a number of other things. However, D-shaped holes and the presence of splitting bark with tunnels underneath usually mean that your tree is infested. Unfortunately, no true ash is safe so give us a call even if your tree does not yet have any of these signs or symptoms
Emerald Ash Borer Treatment And Prevention
They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that’s true of emerald ash borer as well. Our emerald ash borer treatment professionals can help determine whether your ash trees are healthy enough to qualify for prevention and emerald ash borer treatment. If your ash tree is healthy and shows no sign of infestation, we will work to keep it that way!
If your Lafayette, Colorado tree is infested, we’ll determine whether there’s a possibility of saving it. If it qualifies, we’ll get to work! We offer two of the most effective treatments available and will use the one that is best suited to the situation.
Sadly, some ash trees are too far gone to be saved and must be removed. Since emerald ash borer larvae activity compromises the structural integrity of structural limbs, removal can be tricky. However, our professionals are ISA Certified and have years of experience in dealing with emerald ash borer infestations. We will remove your dead or dying tree and dispose of it properly to minimize the spread to other nearby ash trees.
The best step towards preserving your ash trees during this epidemic is through ongoing preventative injections. At Blue River Forestry & Tree Care, we offer two of the most effective products, both of which can provide the best possible protection against emerald ash borer infestation.
Our ISA Certified Arborists will help you decide whether your ash trees are healthy enough to qualify for preventative ash borer treatments, and we will help guide you through the appropriate next steps to ensure the long term vigor and vitality of your ash trees. With preventative services and proactive emerald ash borer treatment, you can protect your property from the hazards of an infested tree and help reduce the toll of this pest on our entire region.
Taking Care of Lafayette, Colorado’s Urban Forest
At Blue River Forestry & Tree Care, we love trees and are committed to the health and care of yours! We offer all aspects of arboriculture, including; tree trimming and pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, tree planting, emerald ash borer consultation and treatment, plant health care services, and forestry services.
We are fully insured and employ ISA Certified Arborists. We have the machinery, experience, and staff to manage all of your tree care needs, and provide tree care services to Boulder, Colorado, Broomfield, Louisville, Lafayette, Longmont, Erie, and Berthoud.
Are your Trees in Tip-Top Shape?
Call for a no obligation, free tree care evaluation, call (720) 256-9056